Avant-Garde/ Paradoxical Sleep

Sopot Museum 23.04.—12.05.2017.

Artists: Anna Baumgart, Katarzyna Józefowicz, Alicja Karska & Aleksandra Went, Agnieszka Kurant, Paulina Ołowska, Anna Reinert, Katarzyna Swinarska & Irek Wojtczak, Ania Witkowska, Zorka Wollny i Julita Wójcik. Curator: Katarzyna Swinarska. Collaboration: Katarzyna Kreft.

This time, Swinarska curated the exhibition according to her own concept, devoted to the phenomenon of modernist utopias in contemporary feminist art. Leading Polish women artists took part in this project. Swinarska also created in collaboration with Polish composer Irek Wojtczak a musical video entitled “The Revolutionary Dream” inspired by the Realist Manifesto (1920). 

As Magdalena Radomska writes in the exhibition catalog:

“The exhibition “Avant-garde/ Paradoxical Sleep” problematizes and visualizes the possible existence and non-existence of contemporary forms of utopia. Referring to the concept of a “paradoxical sleep” - the REM phase - a state in which movement is only a function of sleep, without concerning or touching the body, the concept of the exhibition focuses particularly on the paradox of movement understood as progress and action.”

Opening of the exhibition Avant-Garde/ Paradoxical Sleep at Sopot’ Museum.

Opening of the exhibition Avant-Garde/ Paradoxical Sleep at Sopot’ Museum.

Exhibition Avant-Garde/ Paradoxical Sleep view at Sopot’ Museum.

Exhibition Avant-Garde/ Paradoxical Sleep view at Sopot’ Museum.

Exhibition view at Sopot’ Museum.

Exhibition view at Sopot’ Museum.

Exhibition view at Sopot’ Museum.

Exhibition view at Sopot’ Museum.

Exhibition view at Sopot’ Museum.

Exhibition view at Sopot’ Museum.

Opening of the exhibition Avant-Garde/ Paradoxical Sleep

Opening of the exhibition Avant-Garde/ Paradoxical Sleep

Video by Paulina Ołowska

Video by Paulina Ołowska

Works presented at the exhibition Avant-Garde/ Paradoxical Sleep: Anna Baumgart “Symphony Of Sirens”, Ania Witkowska “Modernist Chair”, Julita Wójcik “Kindergarden”, Katarzyna Józefowicz “City”, Aleksandra Karska & Alicja Went “City-Project”, Anna Reinert “w.t.”, Katarzyna Swinarska “Revolutionary Dream”.

Catalog of the exhibition Avant-Garde/ Paradoxical Sleep

Designed by: Katarzyna Swinarska
Essay by: Magda Radomska
Photographs by: Magda Malyjasiak, Katarzyna Swinarska, Alicja Karska & Aleksandra Went

ISBN: 978-83-61385-02-08


Magazyn SZUM
„A co, jeśli?” – rewolucyjne sny artystek, Magdalena Radomska

100 Lat AWANGARDY w Polsce
Awangarda/ sen paradoksalny

Wyborcza Trójmiasto
”Wystawa o budowaniu lepszego świata” Katarzyna Swinarska, Przemysław Gulda