
As a curator of Avant-Garde/ Paradoxical Sleep exhibition, Sopot Museum 23.04.—12.05.2017.

As a curator of Avant-Garde/ Paradoxical Sleep exhibition, Sopot Museum 23.04.—12.05.2017.


Katarzyna Swinarska graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk. She came out as an artist in 2009 with a series of paintings at 39. Biennale of Painting „Bielska Jesien”.
She works with painting and video which often follows the convention of video performance, she creates multimedia installations and sometimes works as a curator. She defended her doctoral thesis in visual arts in 2014.

In 2017: she presented the film "We—The Common Body” treating the issue of rivalry and love in artist couples; she worked as a curator of the exhibition "Avant-garde/ Paradoxical Sleep” dedicated to the phenomenon of modernist utopia in contemporary feminist art; she created a painting project “Biophilia” for an International Art Festival "inSPIRACJE 12. Breathtaking" in Szczecin. In 2018: she performed in her project “Black dress”and created a new project “Innocent Colonnies” presented at a multimedia solo exhibition in Gdansk City Gallery in 2019.

Swinarska won first prize at the International Competition for Experimental Films “In Out Festival” (2016) for her video performance “Digressive Identity”. She was the finalist of the Gdansk Biennale of Art (2014, 2016, 2018), finalist of the Triennial of Pomeranian Art (2013, 2016); she was awarded a bursary of the City of Sopot (2014, 2016), a bursary of the City of Gdansk (2010, 2018) and a three-month art residency in Switzerland (2012).

Her art works are in the collections of NOMUS — Museum of Contemporary Art in Gdansk, “Wyspa” Art Institute in Gdansk, State Art Gallery in Sopot and in private collections in Poland, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden and the United States.