Warsaw Gallery Weekend 2020, Lokal_30
Warsaw Gallery Weekend 2020, Lokal_30

Presentation of the video “Innocent Colonies” and the installation “School of Wives”

“Innocent Colonies” exhibition view
“Innocent Colonies” exhibition view

The project “Innocent Colonies” is devoted to a young Ukrainian female immigrant in Poland and was inspired by the story of my 105 years old Polish grandmother who was wet nursed by a Ukrainian 105 years ago and is taken care by a young Ukrainian now. The narrative of the multimedia exhibition can be read on many levels. So we first meet a concrete young woman, then we read her story in the context of Ukrainians in Poland. Then we see a story about economic migrants, one you can read from a postcolonial perspective. Finally, too, it’s a story about a woman and a mother who lives closed within four walls, among other women, and whose life is filled with monotonous housework that never ends.

School for Wives
School for Wives

Installation with a soundtrack containing excerpts from guides for ladies from the very beginning of the XX-th century.

School of Wives
School of Wives

Detail of the installation. The cabinet contains guidebooks for ladies and photographs from Ukraine (1905-1914)

School Of Wives

Sound track

Warsaw Gallery Weekend 2020, Lokal_30
“Innocent Colonies” exhibition view
School for Wives
School of Wives
School Of Wives
Warsaw Gallery Weekend 2020, Lokal_30

Presentation of the video “Innocent Colonies” and the installation “School of Wives”

“Innocent Colonies” exhibition view

The project “Innocent Colonies” is devoted to a young Ukrainian female immigrant in Poland and was inspired by the story of my 105 years old Polish grandmother who was wet nursed by a Ukrainian 105 years ago and is taken care by a young Ukrainian now. The narrative of the multimedia exhibition can be read on many levels. So we first meet a concrete young woman, then we read her story in the context of Ukrainians in Poland. Then we see a story about economic migrants, one you can read from a postcolonial perspective. Finally, too, it’s a story about a woman and a mother who lives closed within four walls, among other women, and whose life is filled with monotonous housework that never ends.

School for Wives

Installation with a soundtrack containing excerpts from guides for ladies from the very beginning of the XX-th century.

School of Wives

Detail of the installation. The cabinet contains guidebooks for ladies and photographs from Ukraine (1905-1914)

School Of Wives

Sound track

show thumbnails