
Tenderness video still, cam. Marta Grabicka

Tenderness video still, cam. Marta Grabicka


Tenderness (Czułość) 2014, Katarzyna Swinarska, Marta Grabicka, Grażyna Rigall, video 3’02”

The project was inspired by the custom of face—painting by the women of the Caduveo tribe documented and described by the French anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss during the World War II. (Tristes tropiques Claude Lévi-Strauss)

Facial and body painting becomes a common secret and space of freedom in which women feel free and have fun. Skin—covering patterns are simultaneously an armory that protects against the pressure of the society and a mark of the extraordinary, which facilitates the release of stereotypical social roles.

The video image "Tenderness was created on the basis of a recorded performance, in which one woman artist painted the face and body of another one.
